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Author Topic: ISP  (Read 17875 times)

Offline JK

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« Reply #45 on: March 03, 2008, 12:16 »
Hi Rik
Stats now:   Down   Up
SNR margin    10      22
Attn             39      24
Data           5184   448
I have no extensions just the router and phone pluged in. I am using a cheap filter and have just ordered a quality one to see if it makes any difference. The SNR margin goes way down to 0(@ 5M) on weekday evenings. The line goes to a pole just accross a narrow road.
The exchange is 1.93Km away by road. I am using a D-Link DSL G624T.

Offline Rik

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« Reply #46 on: March 03, 2008, 17:00 »
With no extensions, there should be no noise pickup in your internal wiring. Changing the filter is a good move, but if that doesn't help, is there anyone who you could borrow another router from? Once you've eliminated all your own equipment, it's time to get BT involved via your ISP.


Offline JK

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« Reply #47 on: March 06, 2008, 20:55 »
Hi Rik
I have fitted the new filter. It has not made much difference. Since fitting the new filter my speed has remained at 4896, it used to go up and down. Is there any advantage to be had for changing the modem lead, for a high quality sheilded one? You said try a new router, well the router is brand new. I used to use an internal PCI modem, with 10M extension cable, the modem only supported 256K up.
The connection speed varied between 4 and 5M, could not monitor the SNR margin.
There is no point in getting BT involved as I am paying for a 1M service from my present ISP. They have moved me onto ADSL Max equipment, which is quite nice as I can see what I could get before I change and get the full service.
I am just trying to sort things out before moving to IDNET. Would be quite happy to have a fixed 4M service. I think there is little point in trying to trace down evening noise on a line. Been told that, SNR margin, is different for everyone and line lenght is not involved.
Trying to get perfection on a medium that was never designed to do it.
When I join IDNET would I have to go through a 10 day period?
Should I join IDNetters?

Thank you very much Rik for for all you advice

Offline Simon

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« Reply #48 on: March 06, 2008, 21:55 »
Hi JK,

Rik won't be about till later on, but I can answer a couple of your points.

When I join IDNET would I have to go through a 10 day period?

That only happens when you switch from a fixed line rate, to a MAX service, and it's so that the BT software can determine the maximum stable speed your line is capable of.  Realistically, things usually settle down after about 3-5 days, and even prior to that, although you may experience slower speeds at first, any actual disruption to the service is usually minimal.  I'm not sure what you are on at the moment, but hopefully that will answer the question for you.

Should I join IDNetters?

Rik, or myself, would always help you out here, and of course, we want you to stay on PC Pals, but you are free and welcome to join IDNetters as well.

I'll leave the rest of the tech stuff to Rik, but you won't regret moving to IDNet.  :)


Many thanks to all our members, who have made PC Pals such an outstanding success!   :thumb:

Offline JK

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« Reply #49 on: March 06, 2008, 22:18 »
Thank you Simon
I don't know the answer in my case. I have a fixed rate line (1M) which my ISP has upgraded to ADSL max.
I have a fixed rate service 1M. But my exchange connection is on ADSL MAX. If appears that I have been going throught the 10 day peroid with my present ISP. Now settled down to 4896K. With asking Rik about IDNetters was not leaving PC pals but asking the questions I need to ask with my proposed new ISP. ::)

Offline Simon

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« Reply #50 on: March 06, 2008, 23:05 »
With asking Rik about IDNetters was not leaving PC pals but asking the questions I need to ask with my proposed new ISP.

Of course, I realised that, just having you on.  ;)

If you are already on ADSL MAX, and migrate to an equivalent MAX service, there will be no 10 day training period.  All that would happen is, providing BT get things right (which they usually do), on the day of the migration, you will lose the connection to your current ISP, and you would need to change the log in details on your router / modem to the ones given to you by IDNet.
Many thanks to all our members, who have made PC Pals such an outstanding success!   :thumb:

Offline Rik

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« Reply #51 on: March 07, 2008, 01:25 »

Max is a rate-adaptive service, iow, it will try and go as fast as your line can support. The single most critical factor in that is your downstream attenuation, which for you is 39db. At that level, I'd expect you to be achieving a sync speed of 5-6000kbps. The other factor though is the quality of the line and its susceptibility to noise, and that's much harder to quantify. I sync at around 3500 on a 56db attenuation. My neighbours sync at between 512k and 2000k, the attenuation figures are similar within +/-2db.

Normally, BT give you a target noise margin of 6db, and run the line as fast as possible with the margin. In your case, it looks like the dynamic line management software has found your line unstable at that speed and so increased the target margin to 9db. That will cost you about 500k of sync speed.

A shielded ADSL cable (RJ11-RJ11) may help, but the reason I suggested borrowing another router is that different makes work better with different lines, with a possible speed difference of 1000kbps or so. It also eliminates any possible fault with the router.

As Simon has said, you shouldn't have to re-train with a like-for-like migration. There is no fixed-rate 4Mbps service though, the fastest fixed rate product is 2Mbps.

You're very welcome to join IDNetters, as is everyone, but I'll always try to answer any questions here. Obviously, though I spend most of my time over there.



Offline JK

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« Reply #52 on: March 09, 2008, 00:05 »
Thank you Rik.
Although my attenuation is 39bD my line must be on the noisy side.
Stats now:
           Down  Up
SNR      5        23
Attn     39      24
Rate    5024   448.
Having at present a 1M service any figure over that would be a bonus.I have friends into ADSL max and they say, like you neighbours can have different figures. I have spoken to IDnet. They were supprised that I was connected to ADSL max equipment, and said that the transfer could  now take up to 5 days in my case.
I am on a fixed rate service 1M with pipex. They have placed me on ADSL max equipment. Hence I am seeing the connection figures.
The only plus point is that I can upload at up to 448K. Which I have.
I am not into mega high line rates, just a service above 1M. Looking at my line stats I would be please to have a 4500 connection.
Thank you Rik

Offline Rik

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« Reply #53 on: March 09, 2008, 11:02 »
You should get that easily, JK, and as you are on Max (albeit throttled), you'll have no training period, just change the router login details and go. It may take a few days for your profile to catch up, but you should see a throughput 4x your current level.


Offline JK

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« Reply #54 on: March 23, 2008, 01:23 »
Hi Rik and all.
Thank you for your kind comments and help.
I telephoned IDnet and a young lady gave me some nice advice. She said that my figures where typical of other customers she has had from Pipex/Tiscali. The low SNR margin figures are not be due to the line but crosstalk  high usage etc on my present ISP. She feels sure that if I changed to IDnet I would not have any problems.If I did have any problems they would deal with it.

Offline JK

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« Reply #55 on: March 23, 2008, 01:31 »
Just trying the impossible getting a MAC number from Pipex.

Offline Rik

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« Reply #56 on: March 23, 2008, 10:19 »
Remind them that you know about Ofcom's rules, and that you will be complaining if they don't issue the MAC within five working days. ;)


Offline David

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« Reply #57 on: March 24, 2008, 23:38 »
Just trying the impossible getting a MAC number from Pipex.
Hi I was with tiscali until god intervened and shone a large ray of light in the direction of IDNET,I wrote for my mac code and they ignored the letter even though it was recorded,but with an Email mentioning Ofcom would you believe I had it within the hour,ok Email and a phone call but it did get me out of there and into a much better place.Good luck don't get tempted to stay they may offer you all sorts,like Prozac,aspirin,

Offline Rik

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« Reply #58 on: March 25, 2008, 00:06 »
They'd do better to offer string sedatives, David. ;)


Offline JK

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« Reply #59 on: March 29, 2008, 01:12 »
I am still having major problems in getting a MAC code from Pipex. They only issue MAC codes via email
If you send them an email they request you telephone them on on a high rate number. If you call them on the number stated your are directed on a circle of high rate lines only to finish where your started. Up your own ****.
I have sent them a mail tonight requesting my MAC code and saying if I get the run around I will get Oftel involved.
I also asked if I had to call high rate telephone numbers I would like the cost refunded.
Before I got stuck with Pipex I was with Claranet. I only wish now that they were still a private customer not a business based company.
When I called them for a MAC code I was given it then and there on the telephone.
Claranet is a great company.
Badpianoplayer I hope my Oftel comment to Pipex will take effect.


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