I have recently been getting disconnections between my PC and Router.
My PC runs Windows XP the router is D-Link with a D-Link USB wireless dongle.
The pc shows my network SSID (WPA) with a good signal and says trying to get a connection, it never does. I have noted many more networks locally so I changed my channel from 6 to 11. Then it has happened twice today. The only way to correct the problem is to restart my pc then it connects ok.
The router is there broadcasting my network but my pc when connection lost fails to reconnect unless restarted.
There are two icons in the task bar, D-Link untility and the Windows wireless one.
I am a newcomer to routers and wireless networks and up to two months ago connected the the internet with
an internal PCI modem. Changed to the router because the internal modem would not support the higher
up speed on adsl max service, fine up to 8M down.