ok...... right ........... erm.
hehe thanks for the info Sam, this is what happened. (i do love a saga!)
On the lemon one, it said to press exit - so pressed esc ? and it went to a page that appeared not to do anything, with a book on it. so I tried pressing F1 to see if that would take us to config, but guess what it did........
It restarted the computer and it started up - the keyboard works fine but the mouse (pad) doesn't work but he pluged in an external mouse and that now works, it didn't before? So great news I think...
So ....... I said don't turn it off ever and we are laughing!
Now what should I do?
I typed in config in run but it just opened a folder? so I still don't know how to get to it.
Its windows 2000 by the way.