Ok, I am not as bad as most, who tend to allow Microshaft to infect their machines automatically, but why do we go to the trouble and use valuable system resources running anti-virus software, firewalls etc. and then deliberately infect our PCs with that most damaging of all rogue programs - the Windows Security Upate?
For the last year, I have been running this PC with Windows XP SP2 and haven't been near the Windows Update site. I haven't had a single problem with the operating system. Yesterday, I decided to risk XP Service Pack 3. As soon as I had deliberately infected the PC with that pile of sh1t, not only would MSN Messenger not start, the mouse was jumping about all over the place and I had two major "Windows has recovered from a serious error" crashes. I have just uninstalled SP3, Messenger is starting without a problem and the whole system feels like it is back to normal.
I really should know better.