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Author Topic: So called up scaling DVD players....are they any good?  (Read 15980 times)

Offline Tony

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Re: So called up scaling DVD players....are they any good?
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2009, 15:48 »
installer came just as I posted the edit on my last post. Well what can I say, superb in digital its superb to what I've been putting up with.

The installer said he has Sky+ at home. But everybody he has installed the Humax Foxsat-HDR box for......I interjected......like it? ......like it! they absolutely love it, plus I've never had to go back to a faulty one, plus they are technically a better box than the Sky+ box and quieter.......I said I notice in the negative comments on customer reviews, some peeps complain about the buttons are not clear enough in a darkened room....he just give me one of those looks.....so I just thought I better shut up  :-X

Just got to learn my way around it now.................older you get slower stuff sinks in

HD footy tonight, that will be interesting, see how I go on with the dreaded blurry stuff.....Nothing a 600Mhz Panni wont put right I suppose  ;D
« Last Edit: November 25, 2009, 15:51 by Tony »
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Offline Simon

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Re: So called up scaling DVD players....are they any good?
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2009, 16:06 »
Nice one Tony!  :thumb:
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Offline Sandra

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Re: So called up scaling DVD players....are they any good?
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2009, 16:47 »
Some people have been complaining about BBC HD recently Tony. Apparently they have dropped the bitrate to match what they will be doing on freeview HD when it comes out.
As far as I know Freesat and Sky UK only broadcast in 720p/1080i so you may find it better if you set your TV to 720p for something with fast movement in like sports.
Try all the settings and see which you find the best for you  :)

Offline Tony

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Re: So called up scaling DVD players....are they any good?
« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2009, 15:14 »
Well I bought a Toshiba XDE 600 upscaling DVD, had excellent pro reviews. Looks good on the stand [now everything is matching black gloss finish] And yes it can improve the sharpness,colour and contrast a bit. But to claim it displays your DVD collection in near true HD clarity, is well over the top.

Considering I had gone from an Medion scart connected player to a 1080p upscaling HDMI player connected to a 1080P TV, both Toshiba's [and the TV had excellent HD reviews when I bought it] Well to be honest I at first thought I had a duff one. It was only whilst altering the upscaling options whilst in "pause" that I noticed the alteration to the picture.

Or to put it another way, if what I get with this is only marginally less than what I would get by investing in a Blue-Ray player, and shelling out ballpark double to three times the price I pay for my DVD's. Then I definitely wont bother in that further investment. And that does not in anyway mean I'm not more than satisfied with what I'm currently having displayed on screen. It's just that on reading all the hype, I thought I was missing out big time, not having Blue-Ray.

I think it's a bit like, how the industry convinces you, if you have not got the latest fastest chip in your PC, your missing out big style.
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Offline Camstop

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Re: So called up scaling DVD players....are they any good?
« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2009, 15:37 »
Stop moaning and just enjoy it   ;D

Offline Rik

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Re: So called up scaling DVD players....are they any good?
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2009, 16:09 »
You'll find this strange, Tony, but the big difference I notice with Bluray is on fonts, they are just so much crisper. Yes, the picture and sound are better, but if it's any good you'll be watching what's happening, not the nuances of the picture. Amadeus, for example had the most obvious improvements in the orchestral scores.


Offline Simon

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Re: So called up scaling DVD players....are they any good?
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2009, 16:59 »
I would say there's a definite improvement with Blu Ray over upscaled DVD, but to justify the cost, you really need a big sound setup as well.
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Offline Tony

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Re: So called up scaling DVD players....are they any good?
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2009, 17:03 »
oh the wife would never stand for a Home Cinema setup Simon.

Hey cammy how you doing? I've done a piece for you in the political section    :o:

Soon to be followed by a very intelligent piece by Tarik Ali.........yer I know Sandra, when I was fully "programmed" I thought he was nothing but an p@ki agitator.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 17:07 by Tony »
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Offline Sandra

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Re: So called up scaling DVD players....are they any good?
« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2009, 01:11 »

Soon to be followed by a very intelligent piece by Tarik Ali.........yer I know Sandra, when I was fully "programmed" I thought he was nothing but an p@ki agitator.

We are going to have to send a rescue mission over the border to bring you back to the light side Tony. It looks like by trying to educate the natives of the dark side that they have actually brainwashed you  :o

Offline Camstop

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Re: So called up scaling DVD players....are they any good?
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2009, 14:59 »

Hey cammy how you doing? I've done a piece for you in the political section    :o:

Yes interesting but just another example of what we already know Tony.

What i want to know is why the Queen hasn't dissolved parliament yet? No actually i know the answer to that! errrm

Why was the recession introduced? Errrrm yeah i know the reason for that too.

Where did all the money go? Ermmm well i know it didn't go anywhere and we have loads more now  :)x

If we're on about watching films then we may as well watch Back to the Future 1 2 and 3...

It's early 1979, Labour have really ferked up the economy and we're in the winter of discontent.

The election is in the spring, Labour sidestep the hard decisions as they know they haven't a chance and the country is in dispare. 

We all know what happened next.....

Another Question. Why do all our PM's and familys end up with far greater wealth than they had and including all their earnings by the time they leave?

Why do top Russians think the UK is one of the most corrupt places on Earth?

That's just a couple of things that crossed my mind as i was typing....

We need answers from you Tony!  ;D

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