Yes I saw it. But it went on past midnight and my carriage turned into a pumpkin. 
I record it Clive on my new Foxsat HD-R straight from the EPG

Anyway last night, all though the vast majority of scientists agree humans are contributing to global warning. Analysing Arctic drilled ice cores, it has been proved that the climate change from the ice age to the warm age for want of a better set of words happened just like that. So even though the temperature could rise to the tipping point, thanks to man's activity. It could also feasibly go tits without our intervention.
The cores under discussion, prior to the change, over twelve month periods looked like frosted glass, meaning it was snowing all the time. Then the cores suddenly started to record a frosted portion [snowing] followed by a clear portion [not snowing]just like that. No transition period from frosted to clear, it just changed like that, clear,frosted, clear, frosted
Very interesting, but like anything worth watching, they put it on late at night. Saving prime time for the likes of come dancing, I'm a's time we stepped of this planet as we obviously don't deserve it.