A young man is walking along a country lane. Beside him is a 10 foot high bush-wall, very thick overgrowth. The bush is enclosing the local mental institute. Inside you can hear the usual: the screamers screaming, the
criers crying, the burpers burping etc.
As he is walking he hears, "Twelve!!
Unsure of what or who said it, the man attempted to peer through the growth. However, it was far too thick, so forgetting about it, he walked on. "Bloody crazy freaks!", he thought to himself.
He heard it once again and still could not see through the overgrowth. So on he walked.
The shouting was really starting to annoy the young man at this stage, much like the car alarm that seems to never-end. Looking around, he notices a small hole in the bush just ahead of him.
Running he finally gets up to the hole, just as he hears a chant of twelve again. "Finally", he thought, "now I can see what all these psychos are yelling about!".
As he peered through the fence.... POKE!!
Two fingers right into his eyes. Blinding him!