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Author Topic: MRO Sees Opportunity on the Edge of Concepcion Crater (and more!)  (Read 601 times)

Offline sam

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It has been awhile since I've posted a batch of new images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE camera, and what a treat when I saw what had just been released! This image shows the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity perched on the edge of Concepción Crater in Meridiani Planum, Mars. This image was taken by HiRISE on February 13, 2010, on sol 2153 of Opportunity’s mission on Mars. If you look closely, you can see rover tracks in the ripples to the north and northwest of the rover! Wow! See below for a wondrful colorized close-up version by Stu Atkinson that shows the tracks very clearly. Scientists use these high-resolution images (about 25 cm/pixel) to help navigate the rover. In addition, rover exploration of areas covered by such high-resolution images provides “ground truth” for the orbital data. Oppy has moved along from Concepcion and is now heading towards a set of twin craters. You can check out Stu's blog Road to Endeavour to see what Opportunity is seeing these days. Click here to be able to download larger versions of the image.

- sam | @starrydude --

Offline Clive

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Incredible pictures.  Thanks Sam.  8-)

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