Not quite sure how to respond to that. I didn't think I replied in a mocking way, and if I did I do apologise. I like to feel I'm open to discuss all things science, though I don't always have a good answer (or even an answer). I very much appreciate the world through equations and mathematics. That's how I understand what is going on around me.
I like to think I'm good at explaining things and will always attempt to give you an answer without sounding condescending. Of course, text on media like this don't necessarily bring over the description that is needed / the energy behind what is being said. I've always found descriptions of things by people in person much more enlightening. I found science and school fairly straightforward and not very engaging - though I had one Chemistry teacher who really got me thinking about things but it wasn't really until I got to University that I really appreciated the energy behind teaching.
I've interacted with many great people who can describe science really well. People like Simon Singh still give me a different viewpoint on things even if now I'm at the point of pushing our limits forward, it always good to be given a different view. I also love the challenge to describe things to people, though I do on occasion find it hard to find a middle ground (just thinking of Astronomy Societies, as Clive I'm sure would agree some very very strange questions do come out).
Anyway, what I'm really trying to say is by all means ask questions here - and hopefully there will be some kind of answer, though I understand it is infuriating when things that appear to be technobabble come out, but remember its not meant as a way of putting people off its just how us scientists are used to explaining things.