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Author Topic: How Halley's Comet sightings changed history over the past 2500 years  (Read 1112 times)

Offline Clive

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Ancient Greek texts reveal the earliest recorded sighting of the solar system's most famous comet 2,500 years ago. Since then, Halley's Comet has repeatedly cameoed in history, getting credit for toppling armies, birthing empires, and even killing Mark Twain.


Offline TR

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When Halley's comet was in orbit, I can remember it well. my other half was working at the local club at the time and I was walking her home every night @ about 23 : 30 (hic) and it was in the night sky so vividly it got me interested ...with the solar system, now I follow the ISS every time she is in sight?

Offline Clive

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Do you remember Hale-Bopp in 1997?  That was the best I've ever seen.  LINK   8-)

Offline sam

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Hale-Bopp is the most imrpessive comet I've ever seen.
- sam | @starrydude --

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