I'm afraid that after a couple of years of relatively problem-free use, I finally had to give F-Secure the heave-ho when its crappy excuse for a firewall suddenly monopolised my Win7x64 8GB laptop's T9300 CPU to the exclusion of everything else.
Apple's loathesome iTunes was actually just the tip of a very large iceberg, so I was delighted to hear recently that F-Secure now rely on Windows' firewall rather than their own. However, this wasn't in time to prevent me jumping ship, just in case it tried to cancel my weekly trips to the supermarket before attempting to inspect my underwear for anything resembling an unsightly stain.
Just for the record, my current panoply includes MS Security Essentials, Malwarebytes Anti-malware Pro, Winpatrol Plus, and SpywareBlaster - which peacefully co-exist in perfect harmony and, perhaps more importantly, seem to work quite well and I commend them to the house.
Thus, provided I can resist the temptation to visit the websites of scantily-clad foreign ladies with big hoo-ha's who completely b*gger up your browsing by making your keyboard all sticky, I shall return interfrastically.