For a number of years, I have been using Foxit Reader to open PDF files. When I started using it, it was lightweight and fast. While it is nowhere near as bloated as Adobe's effort it has, in recent times, become a bigger pain than Microsoft's offerings in that almost every time it opens it wants to update itself "to address security issues blah, blah, blah".
Now as I'm sure everybody on here will know by now, I can't stand updates. Let's face it, for those of us who use Windows as our operating system and do a clean install, by the time all the updates have been applied the OS is at least twice the size it was when it had first been installed from the disk. To my mind, that is ridiculous!
What alternative "lightweight" PDF reader would others recommend - you know, something that downloads at no more than a few megabytes and STAYS at no more than a few megabytes?