I just received this email from my isp and cannot understand it's meaning. Is it possible someone has procured my details and using my connection illegally. >

I have been having a lot of problems with disconnections between 1am and 2pm. The email below was sent to me at 1:06am 10th June.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Your session on the OneTel Internet service has been interrupted. This interruption is due to a simultaneous multiple logon connection. This is a breach of clause 4.2 of our General Terms and Conditions. This clearly states that "Only one person is permitted to use your account at any one time".
We would like to remind you that it is the responsibility of the account holder to refrain from disclosing his/her username and password to a third party.
Please note that each time a simultaneous multiple connection occurs, both users will be temporarily disconnected from their internet connection and could lead to a suspension of your service.
If you would like to change your password, please visit our Virtual Customer Service Centre on