Yesterday afternoon my laser printer ran out of toner. It was a huge problem because I write a newsletter for our local U3A group which is meeting tomorrow. I bought my previous cartridge from my local Currys/PC World so I checked their website which said they stocked it (although the website couldn't tell me if they had any actually in stock). Wincing at the price of £56, we drove 15 miles to the branch only to be told it wasn't in stock. Nor was it in stock at the next nearest branch some 40 miles away. They could order it for me but they couldn't guarantee next day delivery and I would have to drive to the store to collect it anyway.
I was angry and left the store without placing an order. When I returned home I decided to order a cartridge online because I needed a replacement anyway, even though it wouldn't arrive until after the U3A meeting. I placed the order in the late afternoon and, to my astonishment, the cartridge arrived at 4pm today! What's more, it only cost £34! All the newsletters have been printed
The company I used was . Strongly recommended.