I purchased a PC Specialist 17.5" gaming laptop for my grandson back in 2016 which he uses for games (obviously) and homework. Recently, the "L" key and the large enter key have stopped working. My son has prised both keys off but still neither work. The numeric pad enter key still works fine. I've suggested he buys a can of compressed air from Amazon but he is adamant that won't fix it. I've also suggested he connects a spare keyboard to see if that works but I'm still waiting to hear if he's tried that. If anyone has any other ideas please let me know.
Good shout on spare key - you can normally take the cover off. Might just need a tap on the desk... bet he's been eating over it.
At long last he's actually done something about this. Several other keys also stopped working and he eventually plugged in an old keyboard which works fine. I'm assuming that the PC Specialist keyboard is bespoke although looking at mine I'm not so sure. Has anyone ever fitted a replacement keyboard to a laptop before?