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Author Topic: Lost pst file  (Read 1105 times)

Offline andary

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Lost pst file
« on: July 26, 2003, 10:04 »
Hi I have lost my emails, the email.pst file is missing, and I need to recover it, the computer was working fine and then is crashed I then restarted the computer and my emails where all gone and I am unable to access them.  Can you help me recover the file, the computer is on a NT and I have also tried some file recovery programs that just wont work....


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Re:Lost pst file
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2003, 10:39 »
Hi andy :welcome:

There are many file recovery utilities available on the 'net. Just try a Google search on "file recovery NT". Unfortunately not many of them are free and most are quite expensive to buy :(

The main thing is not to use the PC until you have some suitable file recovery software.

You will need to remove the drive from your PC and install it as a slave drive in another PC running NT, 2000 or XP.

File recovery software should never be installed on the drive where the lost file(s) are kept, as installing software on it could reuse the space used by the delete file.

I hope this help. Please post back if you need more information :)

Offline lobo

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Re:Lost pst file
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2003, 11:36 »
Andy you do not say wether the whole drive is unreadable or just that file, if its just the file check for a virus if its the drive try Easy Recovery Pro thats the best

If the file was being written to when the PC crashed then the whole file could be corrupted and unrecoverable.

You should back up the email files as well as My documents and My Favorites at regular intervals to prevent data loss

Brian ;D

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Homer   , The Odyssey, line 1

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