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St Adept  ;D would it be possible to have a Coding tutorial section here? PLEAAAAAASE. It may come in handy..  What do u think?

I'd be happy with that as I need to learn all about it. I'm slowly learning SQL, erm I think :- and trying to understand html and php. Now trying to do all those at the same time is not helping my brain ::)

jimmy b:
I would be happy to learn all of those bat. as I need to make my own website a lot better, It is very basic at the moment.

sql is the easier of the lot.  When using php the most common commands are


I would be more than happy to help you out when ever you need it.


Right lets start at the beginning ;)

I got a tutorial CD for SQL, which I'm slowly going through.

As for doing up your web site, I use Dreamweaver, although FirstPage 2000 is great for beginners and comes with loads of add-ins which look good. Its also free ;D  I'll post the url later when I've found it, if you want FP2000


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