Is there anyone heared about this game
About three years ago or even more I had a demo CD of Playstation one which shows this game.
I was searching everywher for it with no positif result.
The demo CD says about it:
Net Yaroze the programmable playstation
Join a world-Wide community of non-professional Playstation
Programmers Creating Playstation games for fun!
Now only L229.00 (sorry I don't have the symbol of england money) (inc VAT)
I wrote to Sony branch in France to see if I can buy it somewhere, they answered that it doesn't exist for Playstation, and not even for computer in France.
I searched the Internet sites. Not possoble to find it for downloading.
If someone has a way to tell me if I can get it somewhere. If I can do that for free
that'll be even much better.