Hi Lona, your one of the few that doesnt know me..which is a good thing i think..hehe.
Thanks for the comments about the snowscene, i was feeling all christmasy and got inspired.
XiaoXiao is a series of "stickman" art done by a guy in japan, its massively popular all over the world because its so innovative and its a marvel technically because its all done in Flash. The other anims on my site are from all over too but there not xiaoxiao even the stickman type ones, there just clones of the original and the best.
Ive always been a fan but because there so damn popular the servers were and still are always down so i made AnimeX.
Ive had to move servers twice though to keep up with demand, i kept running out of bandwith (the amount the Host lets me have for people to watch them).
Wish the buggas would join the forum though, i have over 3400 original hits (real visitors) since i moved to the new servers ( less than 6 weeks ago) and not one of the gumps has bothered to post...ah well cant win em all i suppose.