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Author Topic: Web Hosting  (Read 2597 times)

Offline DJ

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Web Hosting
« on: October 12, 2003, 18:58 »
A simple question but a complicated answer I suspect...

How do I start my own web hosting company?

Are the re-seller / affiliate packages any good?

I already have a few sites built for a few people and am thinking of hosting them through reseller packages to make an extra few bob?

Anyone done this or had experiance of this?



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Re:Web Hosting
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2003, 19:11 »
It's dead easy DJ - even I can do it ;) :P

The most difficult thing is getting clients. The rest are just technical problems.

Start off with a reseller package from a reliable host. You can pay as little as £10 a month for a fair amount of bandwidth and disk space.

You then need to decide on your pricing structure. Most people decide on several packages of varying bandwidth, disk space and features. The trick is to oversell your resources, because most customers will not use their full allotment of bandwidth and disk space, you can afford to sell to more people than you have resources to support. Make sure that the Host you are buying your reseller package from can quickly upgrade your reseller package should one of your customers take you over your bandwidth and disk space limits.

If you are just selling hosting to people you design web sites for it is even easier - you are completely in charge of the web site settings.

Hope this helps :)

Offline DJ

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Re:Web Hosting
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2003, 19:37 »
Thanks Adept,

Thats good news - sounds quite easy.

So if I start with a reseller program - do I get a branded website (which I could set up if need be) or do clients just buy through a affiliated link?

I'm linking the sound of this - might start up proper in a few months time!

DJ  ;)


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Re:Web Hosting
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2003, 19:57 »

So if I start with a reseller program - do I get a branded website (which I could set up if need be) or do clients just buy through a affiliated link?

That bit you'll have to work out for yourself DJ. I only resell to people who I design sites for, so there is no need for me to have to be able to sign them up over the web. It also saves me having to set up credit card facilities etc. It isn't too difficult to set up a Worldpay account for that, but don't forget they take a percentage of your payment.

Offline DJ

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Re:Web Hosting
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2003, 20:13 »
Thanks Adept,

I'll do a bit more research and find if my clients would be interested.

I had a look at your site - seems like your doing well :gofor:


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