Update now i can get back on site due to lost paasword.
This little problem has resolved itself.

Now I have another little problem instead. >

I was receiving emails that were opening ie windows that wouldn't close even by using the ctrl,alt del. These popups happened even while running popup stopper and Norton.
My homepage was hijacked to a websearch engine. I won't put the url in in case it hits your pcs as well. This was only a minor problem. The real problem was that it has created a new toolbar called "eannllufafa". This appears as a search window and icons for various sites. I keep unticking it from view-toolbars but each time I open a new window or visit a new site in same window it reappeared. I even "upgraded"-and I use the term loosely

to IE6 from 5.5.
So, has anyone any idea how to permanently get rid of it? And NO! Any suggestion of just installing a different browser- you listening Simon! >

- will be treated with the contempt it deserves.
I thank you my readers in advance