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Author Topic: FirstAlert!  (Read 1599 times)

Offline Rodders

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« on: November 18, 2003, 22:48 »
Are any other Mailwasher Pro users out there currently participating in the FirstAlert! anti-spam trials?  Having used it for a little while now, my impressions are that it will prove to be a very significant tool in our box of anti-spam tricks.

Registered Mailwasher Pro users can download a free copy of FirstAlert! - which then functions as an enhanced version of MWP - by clicking the link above.  Note that you may have to wait a few days for your U: and P: to come through, though.

Get stuck in, if you're not keen on spam!   ;)

Online Clive

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« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2003, 23:21 »
That seems to be the best positive step I've seen in a long while!

Offline Simon

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« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2003, 23:52 »
I registered for it some time ago, on the 5th November to be precise, but have heard nothing since.  How long is 'a few days' Rodders?  I think it has been at least a couple of weeks so far.

Edit: Just checked e-mail acknowledgement of registration, and it says 'within a few weeks', so I hope to hear something soon.  I did note, however, that there is no mention yet of how much they are going to charge for the service, after the trial period.
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Offline chorleydave

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« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2003, 23:52 »
By using a combination of Mailwasher to bounce back spam, and Spamgourmet disposable email addresses to sign up to sites until I know they are responsible, I have cut my amount of spam received to no more than two or three on a bad day.

I wouldn't have believed just how bad the spam problem had become until I installed te eprompter notification program on a neighbour's computer.  I went back a couple of days later to check that it was working, and one of his e-mail accounts had over 300 messages waiting to be downloaded!  There was nothing I could do but advise him to get rid of this particular address.

I have just signed up to the FirstAlert trials.  Any method to eliminate the spam menace should be supported.  However, I can't help but think that if people would take more care, spam would be a minor inconvenience, rather than a serious  problem.

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