Advice please before I go and sign up
It seems my exchange has been active since 1st December and BT didn't inform me inspite of registering with them. I phoned this morning and they had me down for installation 10th December by some sharp salesman who put the order in without my confirmation being given. I have cancelled the order and am looking around before I decide where to go.
All help greatly appreciated. 
well your own post should tell you all you need to know.
But if you want it spelling out, here goes:
Gio are total crap IMHO, you have been warned, pity ISPreview rejigged their site, otherwise you could have read the zillions of complaints posted on the Gio thread. But as most ISPreview members know about Gio, few get suckered these days.
There's just the
one besides you for whom "the penny has yet to drop"

I used to visit the Gio thread every day, it was magic, poor buggers pulling their hair out trying to contact "support" it's an outfit run by colonial's and they are based in Oldham, they also run
takeaways OK the*m link on that page is now dead., GET A GRIP WOMAN.
BT wholesale sell broadband to all ISP?s for ballpark £15 , Gio are charging £19.95 ?Vat @£2.97 leaves £16.98, so Gio are providing it for less than two quid a month

So what do you know about Gio, no support via email if the poster is not telling porkies, and salesmen who attempt to stuff you.. And do you know why they donot reply to emails....coz they want you to ring the support line at 75p per minute. Mind you you could alway's order an "Indian" at the same time

Oh I give up, I can put up with ignorance but I draw the line at stupidity

Edit: I'm trying the "cruel to be kind" approach tonight folks