Nidram are another excellent company, and I know you will read nothing in or out by their exclusion from my post :-[ I just gave Plus and Pipex as examples of alternatives.
You and I both, researched the ISP alternatives in great detail, and I merely passed on said research findings on my part to Lona,purely on a helping a friend basis.
But it would appear more important who Lona does not go with, than whom she does. Remember Lona, if your in the poo poo, with your service, you wont get replies to your emails, and it will cost you 75p a minute to call em.
And can you imagine if you want to migrate from Gio, and they dont supply BT with your BCUK number!!!!! then you will have to start again the activation proccess with another ISP. Look read thread on that very subject on the NDO
support forum and see how a professional company interacts with it's customers / potential customers. I know that Goi on the other hand, stop talking to their customers, once they have them signed up.
Take the advice or not, it is your choice entirely, Lona.
Shell, the reason NDO do not feature on the graph some months, are:
Because the rules for inclusion, state that at least 300 respondents must vote for a ISP per month, for it to be included. And being a smaller company,and mainly directed at business users , it does not always achieve that figure.
If a tree falls in the forest when nobody is there, does it still make a noise ?

Have a nice weekend folks