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Author Topic: Broadband Deals?  (Read 8144 times)

Offline Simon

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Broadband Deals?
« on: December 19, 2002, 22:36 »
I've just tried logging into ISPr, and it won't accept my password, so I asked for a new password, and it won't accept that either!   ::)

Anyway, I was searching for any special broadband deals (for my cousin) - anyone know of any offers at the moment?  Free modems, free set up, etc?
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Offline Tony

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Re:Broadband Deals?
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2002, 22:47 »
Zen internet, Nidram, Bulldog are passing on BT wholesale half price ADSL set up costs http://www.ispreview.co.uk/
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Re:Broadband Deals?
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2002, 22:50 »
They've just completed a move to new forum software Simon. I couldn't get in at first either, so I followed the "lost password" link and reset it.

There appear to be lots of 1/2 price setup deals imminent from many of the ISPs.

Offline Simon

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Re:Broadband Deals?
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2002, 22:51 »
Thanks Catch!  I never think to look at their front page!  ::)
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Offline Sandra

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Re:Broadband Deals?
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2002, 22:53 »
This looks like a potential one Simon ( Catch has mentioned it)

Bulldogs Free ADSL Activation Offer

By:mark.j @ 1:36:PM - News Comments - SendNews [HERE] / PrintNews [HERE]Bulldog Communications, which recently launched a new residential broadband ADSL service, is now offering their £26.99 per month package with a free line activation:

Bulldog Launches National Consumer Broadband Service at £26.99 per Month with Free Activation Introductory Offer
Bulldog has specifically designed Alltime 500 to provide consumers with a compelling, alternative high-speed broadband Internet service. To promote competition and further stimulate take-up of broadband services, Bulldog is waiving the start-up activation fee for every Alltime 500 order processed between now and 28 February 2003.

Richard Greco, CEO of Bulldog, stated, "Bulldog continues to lead the DSL broadband market by driving down prices and making upgrading to broadband more attractive to consumers. By waiving the activation fee through this introductory offer, Bulldog has capitalized on another opportunity to pass savings on to the consumer. The consumer wants the savings today and Bulldog's new generation of broadband services is ready to deliver today. Bulldog is providing an affordable pathway for consumers to realize the exciting benefits of high-speed broadband service. There's no need for customers to put off their decision to get broadband any longer."

More information on Bulldog's products and services are available through the Bulldog website: http://www.bulldogdsl.com

Offline Simon

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Re:Broadband Deals?
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2002, 23:00 »
Cheers, Sandra - will pass all these on!   :)
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Offline Tony

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Re:Broadband Deals?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2002, 16:15 »
Here you are Simon, another one:


Ultra fast, always on, broadband Internet connection for only £26.99 a month with absolutely no set up or activation costs to pay.

To order please call 0870 741 5440 or email freecall@lcbroadband.com. Email us your phone number and we will call you back!

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas

Freecall ADSL Team
Tel: 0870 741 5440
Email: freecall@lcbroadband.com

Oh one day BT might get their finger out and enable my exchange, but there again they said not. And there are 84 other registered souls in torment just like me, by their a bag of sh*te that firm.
Mr Angry from Yorkshire  >:(

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Offline Simon

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Re:Broadband Deals?
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2002, 20:22 »
Thanks, Catch!   ;D
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Offline Sandra

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Re:Broadband Deals?
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2002, 03:30 »
Theres a free Fujitsu modem with this one Simon,cant see anything about set up fees after a quick look.


Just seen set up costs its £60

Offline Simon

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Re:Broadband Deals?
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2002, 09:00 »
The trouble is, they are only paying £6.99 per month at the moment, with PlusNet, as they are very light users, so it's going to be kinda hard selling them the idea of spending an extra £20 per month!  I know once they have BB, they won't regret it, and I would go for one of those deals like a shot, but these are not really 'PC People', and can't really see past the cost at the moment!  If I could find something for around £20 per month, with a deal on the set up costs, I could probably get them a modem for about £40, and they'd more then likely go for it!

This is the trouble with family - they're all tight buggers!   ;D
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Offline Sandra

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Re:Broadband Deals?
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2002, 13:56 »
There was one I saw a few months back advertising they were starting in November for about £17-99 per month but I have been rattling my two brain cells together for ages trying to remember who it was  ???
It was on ISPR but people were very sceptical as they thought it was either at or below cost  :(

Offline Simon

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Re:Broadband Deals?
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2002, 14:26 »
Yes, this is another problem.  I can see ISPs trying to bring the costs down to such a level that they are unable to sustain the service, much as what has happened with countless 'cheap' unmetered 56K ISPs.

I will be seeing my cousin over Christmas, so I will try to get her to understand that "yer gets what yer pays for", which is probably why she's having so much trouble with her £6.99 PlusNet account!   8)

I'm also fairly certain that the average cost of a good service will fall below £20 very shortly - haven't OFTEL done something to make BT cut their charges to the ISPs just recently?
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Offline Sandra

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Re:Broadband Deals?
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2002, 14:53 »
I think that that was some time ago and was implemented around the time we signed up with Pipex Simon.Unfortunately ,as with most things these days, I can only see costs rising over the next few years. If not they will do as BT do and restrict the download capacity. This appears to be the norm for satellite users already.
In one way its possibly not a bad idea as some people will always abuse anything to the detriment of others without any thought of the problems their actions will cause other people.
I am as guilty as anyone else for getting big downloads,but I dont do it on a daily basis and have probably not "Done a gig" in the last month,whereas I have occassionally got 2 gig per day for several consecutive days at other times  :-*

Offline Mustapha Phagg

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Re:Broadband Deals?
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2002, 16:27 »
Why not just stay with plusnet for the time being and then upgrade to the £20.99 ADSL package when plusnet start to offer the i/2 price connection deal as other isps are doing.

Just takes them longer to make the offer as they hate the thought of losing money. ;D ;D

But don't buy their modem package as it's rubbish, better to get your own.

Offline Tony

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Re:Broadband Deals?
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2002, 17:04 »

I think PlusNet are fine, I don't like the referal scheme though, why should I pay an extra £1 a month to subsidise another person account.

But what I do like about PlusNet is  that I can connect for eight hours without having to come off due to a mandatory time out. I can do this for 5 days every week, Monday to Friday [ limit 40Hrs per week] They seem to have plenty of ports weekdays during the day, like most ISP's the load goes on in the evenings. Plus they have recently  allowed all fixed fee subscribers, to connect to the internet from 1.00am in the mornings through till 7.00am, 7 days a week at no extra charge.

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