Hi All,
I have a wireless internet setup and every night my lovely Netgear DG824M wireless modem and router sends me a log by email. Usually they are something like...
Sun, 2003-12-07 19:19:01 - UDP packet dropped - Source:xxx.xxx.xx.xxx
,1030 WAN - Destination:xx.xxx.xxx.xx.xxx LAN - [Inbound Default rule match]
replicated over and over again.
(Where xx are ip addresses)
But tonight i got an alert that looks like this:
2003-12-08 22:30:31 - IP Spoofing - Source:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
,0,LAN - Destination:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,0,WAN
What does 'IP Spoofing' mean, are there an actions I should take and what can I do to prevent it.

Whilst I'm on about these netgear logs - are there any programs available to analyse them - usually I just put them in an email folder - but it would be handy if I knew what they mean

Thanks all again,