I dont know yet Simon as I havent taken it round for her yet

She hasnt a clue at the moment how much she will want to use it, if at all really

I said she was better off with an off peak package for a few months until she learned how to use it and got some idea of how many hours she would need as it can get expensive being on PAYG, especially if its taking her 2 or 3 times as long to find stuff as it would when she became more familiar with surfing and didnt want her to be clock watching while she is learning

She has another friend who she thought was on Tesco off peak, evenings and weekends for about £7-99 per month but when I looked it seems to have gone, along with a lot of other ISPs off peak deals.
The NDO one sounds quite good but I dont think the daytime Tesco package would be suitable for her :doggie: