PC Pals Forum
Technical Help & Discussion => Broadband, Networking, PC Security, Internet & ISPs => Topic started by: Saddler125 on March 23, 2011, 07:56
Hi Folks,
My wifes wireless adaptor on her desktop started playing up recently so I connected to the BT hub using an ethernet cable. Now my laptop will not connect to the wireless network - unless I reset the router everytime I switch on - very strange :stars:
The wierd thing is my netbook still works on the wireless as before with no problems ????
Any suggestions folks - it's a long way to that reset button :cry:
Hi, and :welcome:
Have you tried setting up a new network connection on the laptop? Will it not connect at all, or is it connecting to the network, but not the Internet?
Hit the repair button on the lappy connection, see if that can find anything wrong. Welcome to Pals. :)
Thanks Folks, I decided to go for broke and deleted the old connection - then set up a new network connection after a few attempts it now seems to work fine - even with the desktop plugged in on cable.
Cheers. :-* :thumbs:
We like happy endings. :)
Indeed, thanks for letting us know. :)