PC Pals Forum

Technical Help & Discussion => Broadband, Networking, PC Security, Internet & ISPs => Topic started by: Saddler125 on March 23, 2011, 07:56

Title: Problems with cabled BT hub
Post by: Saddler125 on March 23, 2011, 07:56
Hi Folks,
My wifes wireless adaptor on her desktop started playing up recently so I connected to the BT hub using an ethernet cable. Now my laptop will not connect to the wireless network - unless I reset the router everytime I switch on - very strange  :stars:

The wierd thing is my netbook still works on the wireless as before with no problems ????

Any suggestions folks - it's a long way to that reset button  :cry:
Title: Re: Problems with cabled BT hub
Post by: Simon on March 23, 2011, 10:29
Hi, and  :welcome:

Have you tried setting up a new network connection on the laptop?  Will it not connect at all, or is it connecting to the network, but not the Internet?
Title: Re: Problems with cabled BT hub
Post by: Rik on March 23, 2011, 16:40
Hit the repair button on the lappy connection, see if that can find anything wrong. Welcome to Pals. :)
Title: Re: Problems with cabled BT hub
Post by: Saddler125 on March 25, 2011, 15:25
Thanks Folks, I decided to go for broke and deleted the old connection - then set up a new network connection after a few attempts it now seems to work fine - even with the desktop plugged in on cable.

Cheers. :-* :thumbs:
Title: Re: Problems with cabled BT hub
Post by: Rik on March 25, 2011, 16:10
We like happy endings. :)
Title: Re: Problems with cabled BT hub
Post by: Simon on March 25, 2011, 20:20
Indeed, thanks for letting us know.  :)