PC Pals Forum
Technical Help & Discussion => Website Design & Programming => Topic started by: GSS on December 15, 2003, 10:25
can some one give me a free uplond site where i can uplond game i make has i was using lycos but i have not got enough space there for what i need to upload
I've amended the title of this thread GSS, so that people can see what it is about.
GSS, go to google and just type in free web space, I dont know if you will get enough free web space to upload games.
Hookstar ;D
i have look thnks :)
I have used www.freewebs.com (http://www.freewebs.com) before and had no problems with them.
They offer 100mb for free - is this enough space for you?
Hope that helps
yes thank you :)
anymore ideas
no luck with DJ1UK site but it a good site
I've amended the title of this thread GSS, so that people can see what it is about.
that ok
anymore ideas
no luck with DJ1UK site but it a good site
Why, what's wrong with it? ???
it a website what a can see the no where i can upload suff :)
If you use freewebs, you can upload files and a HTML file to create a page. Link to your files on the html page.
Do you mean you want a site where you can just upload stuff - no need to create web pages. More like a hosting place?
That's a great find DJ. Ten times more webspace than most bog standard ISPs give you.
Do you mean you want a site where you can just upload stuff - no need to create web pages. More like a hosting place?
You can still use freewebs.
You get a URL like www.freewebs.com/username
where username is whatever you pick.
When you upload stuff it'll show at the URL above as a blue link - a list of contents of the folder.
Give it a go - its free!
yes i got to look in to it sometime
noooooooooooo! don't use freewebz!
noooooooooooo! don't use freewebz!
do you know how fast broadband users are stuck downloading stuff at?
I think Measter has been around GSS for too long! ;) ;D
:pmsl: Simon.
I think Measter has been around GSS for too long! ;) ;D
yeah, thats gotta be it ::)
anyway, i was asking if hookstar knew how fast broadband users are stuck downloading stuff off freewebz at?
anyway, i was asking if hookstar knew how fast broadband users are stuck downloading stuff off freewebz at?
Ermmmm not being on BB...........NO ;)
ok, we broadbad users have to download at an amazing 4-5 kbps from freewebz servers :wtf: