Drive Rescue the first version had less options then the version you gave me but both didn't recover nears as much as Easy Recovery (one of the best ive found so far). The files driverescue did recover were mostly corrupt.
Recover4all was the app that didn't like xp, i downloaded the newest version but it was a demo which wouldn't save data. So i was going for an earlier version i could crack.
Note: Recover4all scanned the clusters and was able to view almost every file i had lost. Thats the main reason why i was so interested in getting a working version.
I looked at PCI filerecovery and R-linux PCI was decent but didn't turn up any more results than Easy recovery. I got mostly all my image files but most of the media like mp3s and a couple of music videos were lost. I lost a couple of tutorial rar files too. But I had everything that i considered important backed up a couple of months back.
For the most part i just went through the free cnet list and the list google turned up for undeleting, the ones that were complete crap i didn't even waste my time on.
I used my norton systemworks super edition 2003 cd and installed the unerase app, to try and prevent this from happening again. It happens.