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Author Topic: Anti-virus scanner added to Google Gmail  (Read 1526 times)

Offline Clive

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Anti-virus scanner added to Google Gmail
« on: December 02, 2005, 15:09 »
The Register
By John Leyden
Published Friday 2nd December 2005 13:08 GMT

Google has introduced an anti-virus scanning service to Gmail. Each time users send and receive attachments, Gmail will automatically scan them for viruses. It's unclear whether Google developed the technology in-house (highly unlikely) or licensed it from a security firm, much less who that firm might be.

Gmail previously blocked the transmission of executable attachments but adding anti-virus scanning allows the service to keep up with its competitors on user security. Yahoo! Mail uses Symantec software to scan for viruses. Hotmail, which has offered anti-virus scanning for some time, licenses its technology from Trend Micro.

 The use of anti-virus scanning software by email providers is good for internet hygiene, especially since the fast-spreading Sober worm is currently accounting for a sizeable slice of net traffic, but shouldn't be regarded as a substitute for desktop security software. These days malware is almost as likely to be offered up as a download from maliciously constructed websites or across network shares as appearing in user's email in-boxes. ®


Offline Simon

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Anti-virus scanner added to Google Gmail
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2005, 20:34 »
Of course, scanning of outgoing messages only works if you are using Google's SMTP server.  Most ISPs, as I understand it, only allow the use of their own SMTP server for outgoing mail.
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Offline Clive

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Anti-virus scanner added to Google Gmail
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2005, 22:39 »
Very good point Simon.

Offline DualBoy

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Anti-virus scanner added to Google Gmail
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2005, 08:44 »
Back after many many well I dont know like a year or two... of being gone.. posting mainly on different tech forums (techie forums/underground) I decided to reactivate. :)

The SMTP of gmail isnt really a SMTP as one would think. Your using their website to upload attachments via webforms. Their servers then send the email via their own SMTP servers. An ISP couldnt tell the difference between you sending an email with Gmail and you uploading a picture to a fileshack image hosting place. Then again scanning email out going via gmail is not going to stop any viri since there are no viri that know how to send email through an http webmail interface.

However if your purposly trying to send a virus then yes it would stop you from being evil :)

And for the scanning emails that come in its not such a huge feature considering that this service has been around for ages. You can setup a POP/SMTP email scanning app on your local *nix mail server for free with free updates/defs.

Note: its been almost close to 3 years since my last post

Offline Simon

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Anti-virus scanner added to Google Gmail
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2005, 09:48 »
Welcome back, DualBoy!!  :grin:

I was referring to using Gmail via an e-mail client, such as Outlook, Mozilla Mail, etc.  
Mine is set to the outgoing server of my ISP, but the incoming messages come though SSL on port 995.  :)
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Offline DualBoy

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Anti-virus scanner added to Google Gmail
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2005, 11:26 »
Hum well you can try to use the gmail smtp

smtp.gmail.com port 465 and use SSL with your gmail user/pass this should be allowed by most ISPs I assume... (Cross your fingeres :)

One would assume that gmail scans on access of the email rather than recept of email into account. If it only scanned on recept of initial email and the email had a virus but that virus was not yet listed in the definitions then gmail would miss it.. however if the email is scanned on access which could be delayed depeneding on how long it takes for the user to read the email then it gives more time for definition updates plus it would allow for the user to delete the email if it is unwanted without even viewing it or its attachment thus saving on scanning time. Then again perhaps it does both. Anyone know?

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