We're currently using Windows 98SE. As we needed more devices plugged into our computer, we bought a USB hub about 8 months ago. All worked well until about 3 months ago when our computer crashed. We have no reason to believe that it had anything to do with the hub. When we got the computer repaired and everything, including the hub, hooked back up, the hub froze the computer during the Windows start up sequence.
Without the hub, everything works fine. We bought a new hub, same thing happens.
Here's our connections:
The hub is plugged into the wall outlet and then connected to the PC with a USB cord. Without the USB hub connected, the printer plugs into the USB port on the back of the computer along with the mouse. Both work fine.
Any suggestion? I have about 10 days remaining on my 14 day warranty from Circuit City for the hub...In that this one has the same problem as the last one, I'm thinking it's not the hub but a connection problem.
Thanks for any help...I can't believe I'm the only person who can't use a hub!