I was having terrible problems with a weird noise which I can only describe as a fog horn in the distance coming from my PC.
It was intermittent and really had me worried. Was it my hard drive wearing out, was it my PSU clogged with dirt or was it something more serious.
I took side panel off PC and cleaned it thoroughly. Noise still persisted so I thought I will have to phone Medion and see what the problem was.
My daughter was up at the week-end and I was letting her hear the noise and she said it sounded like a mobile phone vibrating.
My phone is never switched on as I only use it when I'm out in the car.
It dawned on me that my son had given me his mobile phone to sell on Ebay and it was lying near PC. The idiot had not switched it off and it was lost calls causing it to vibrate.
What a fool I felt but it just shows you how you can panic when you here strange noises that might or not might be coming from your PC :embarassed: