I did a silly thing last night. Forgot I'd left a bath running and flooded the bathroom. Managed to scoop some of the water up with a dustpan and mopped the rest up with towels. Luckily it doesn't seem to have gone through to underneath as the bathroom flooring is that 'cushioned' lino stuff (not sure what it's called), which is sealed all the way round.
The trouble is, it escaped under the bathroom door and about two or three square feet into the hall carpet. I managed to dry off most of the carpet with towels, and went out and bought one of those Vax machines which sucked out quite a bit of moisture. The carpet itself now seems mostly dry, but the underlay is still damp, and so is the concrete underneath. Looking on the internet is a bit like looking up symptoms of health issues, as most things I've found seem to be warning of dire consequences should I not get the professionals in, and practically have the place rebuilt. Do I need to worry or will it just dry out by itself in time?