Hi there,
I need help with this extremely annoying problem I have been experiencing. It started 3 weeks ago when playing a game called Counter-strike. All of a sudden for no reason, my PC froze for a second, then returned back to normal. But the strange thing was that the keyboard was no longer responding. Also, the key I had hold of when it froze is kept held down. Example if I am moving right (D key) then if it freezes then I keep moving right.
I have figured out that all I need to do is unplug th ekeyboard at the back and reinsert it and it is back to normal. This happens every 15 minutes or so. I was so frustrated that I formatted my C: drive and reinstalled windows, but it still does it. This leads me to believe it is a Hardware problem.
System Specs: - AMD DURON 1.0 Ghz, 256mb PC100 ram, Gigabyte GA7xeh, GeForce4 Ti4200, Sound Blaster 128, network card.