the win command doesnt work either,i had an old hard drive with 98se on it so i chucked that in the pc but now i have a new problem,it find my dvd and cdwrbut n ot my dvdwr,the hard drive and dvdr are running on the same ide cable hard disk set as master dvd as slave is thjat right.
i get unable to read drive a:.
but if i dissconnect the ide from the dvdr it loads fine why is the dvdr checking my floppy.ive tried change the bios boot sequence but still nothing,i have a restore master image that doensnt work either for the os problem.
ive formatted and recreated partitions before and called alweays restore from the cd just not no morer.these pcs can be a pain in the rear.;
ive build many pcs with out trouble just this blasted one.thanx for all the reply.i cant burn the cd at the moment coz the pc wont let me its doin weird stuff,had trouble upgrading to 2000 but got there and now that dont like my dvdwr.wots the game with this blasted pc guys.luckyly i dont have a hammer in my hand lol