I am wanting to fit a bigger hard drive into an old pc that Lona kindly gave me a few weeks back so it would be more useful for a cousin of mine.
Its a Patriot with a GVC FR 500 motherboard and currently only has a 2.1 gig drive.
I cant find any details about a bios upgrade that mentions increasing drive capacity.
Nor can I find anything saying what its limit is.
I have however just found a nice little utility called EXTBIOS from :
http://web.inter.nl.net/hcc/J.Steunebrink/bioslim.htm#Int13extwhich says that it will take greater than 8gig
Harddisk 1: Int 13h extensions version 2.1 detected.
Subset supported: Extended disk access support (for > 8GB) : Yes
Drive locking and ejecting support : No
Enhanced Disk Drive (EDD) support : Yes
Device features : DMA boundary errors handled transparently: No
Device supports write with verify : No
Media is removable : No
Addressable geometry (CHS) is 521x128x63 Cylinders-Heads-Sectors/track
A total of 4201344 Sectors of 512 Bytes (2051 MB) are addressable in LBA
I assume that the last part is reading the actual drive installed at the moment.
What I would like to know is if anyone knows of a similar utility that will determine if the bios will take up to 32 gig which I should think would be its absolute limit or if anyone knows how big a hard drive this would take