Hi Sandra,
Apollogies for not posting a reply for a while.
My PC has been steadily getting worse, but thanks to a later post by someone with a similar problem I think I have pinpointed the offending bit of hard ware.
The motherboard, that was going to be the next thing on my list.
I had already upgraded from ME to XP Home, new larger hard drive,
DVD Dual layer Writer four USB2 ports and a slightly faster AMD Athlon processor 1.8 the fastest to fit my Asus A7A266 Socket A 462 Mobo, and still got boot up problems.
If I'm going to buy a new mobo I might as well go for a faster chip as well, because when my PC does work with this new XP system it really is slow when accessing programes.
Anyway here's hoping it works.
Cheers Martin