I think that anyone who has looked at the various myths that we call religions would know that Jesus was a muslim prophet Lona.
Christianity, judaism and islam all have the same basic root as theyre all based on the same story passed down by word of mouth and all got distorted as all such methods of passing something on does (Chinese whisper effect).
No matter which part of the world or which religion, even if its one that worships the sun and moon as gods etc all have the same basic story.
They all believe in good and evil spirits or forces.
They all believe in an afterlife.
They usually have a great flood that cleansed the earth.
They usually have a man who arose from the dead.
They all have a code to live by.
This was to keep some kind of order and control over the general populace and to give them some way of accepting what they didnt know at the time about how the world and the universe worked.