We have free to air channels here, four networks plus SBS (special broadcast service, or commonly known as the "wog channel") and before someone says that I'm racist.
The Queensland senator, who admitted enjoying Wogs out of Work-style comedy, said, "There is nothing more unself-conscious and confident than the capacity to laugh at ourselves." He said Australians were remarkably comfortable about race compared with other countries. He doubted "the use of the word 'wog' in any way would be regarded as offensive or racist".
Aussie wogs are a good mob.I can't get SBS as the signal is very weak up here, but I do have a Satellite subscription which includes SBS, they have some brilliant documentaries.
I don't watch much free to air television and I'd be seriously annoyed if I had to pay for it. So I can sort of understand not wanting to pay for something that is rubbish and you don't watch.
Is it that the BBC just expect people to pay anyway, because everyone now days has a TV?