Hi folks,I am having problems getting a 256K stick of ram to work in an MSI 6191 motherboard.It already has a stick of 128K in and we want to replace it with the 256K and use the 128K in another PC with a Gigabyte board. The MSI refuses to even work at all if its in by itself or in addition to the 128K even though it has 2 slots and the manufacturers info says it supports up to 256K in each slot.We exchanged it at the local shop for a different make,(both unbranded) and it still wont work in the MSI board?
Both makes of ram work in the gigabyte and in my FIC but both only see them as 128K not 256K even though my FIC info says its supports 256K in each slot too but wasnt tested ?
The ram we have tried is 133 even though all 3 PCs seem to have a front bus speed of 100 but the Gigabyte and my FIC run happily with 100 and/or 133,the MSI came with 128K 133 installed?
I did notice in the BIOS settings of my PC that there is somewhere to alter cycle speeds and timing,is this anything to dowith the reason that mine only sees 128K out of the 256K?
A speedy reply would be appreciated guys as I need to go back to the shop and sort out what I need before it closes at 6pm
Sorry folks for 128K and 256K please read 128MBs and 256MBs ( I had had a hard night/day and got my Ks and Ms mixed up )