Many of you know I have been toying with various website builders but I'm just too lazy to get on with it. And NTL have been avoiding giving me the space anyway, because they are so so useless. >
So I've gone with AOL for a little free trial and they have this thing called easy creator - its fun and easy - not really worked out how all of it works yet but I've knocked these pages up with some pic's of my weekend activity
Have a look and you'll see why I'm always concerned with the wind speed!
I know its not great I've just done it quickly and I've not got that many good pics either, but my friends like it, well they are on it!
Let me know what you think, even if its bad, I promise I won't cry. I think I've put far too much on the first page but I didn't know how to link at first - so I should change that I think.