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Author Topic: More Graphics Card Probs.  (Read 2294 times)

Offline JPY313

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More Graphics Card Probs.
« on: April 08, 2004, 10:22 »
Hi, i was hoping for a bit of advice, i have recently installed roxio cd / dvd creator on my computer, it works great until i want to burn a dvd, then it asks me to set my screen res to 1024 x 768, however when i try and do this my computer just rolls over and dies, i ll be the first to admit that the graphics card i have is worse than shocking (some crappy 8 meg excuse) but i was wondering if this is where my problem lies?  if it is my graph card, could anyone reccomend a cheap upgrade, as i have company video footage that i need to burn in a bit of a hurry, but at the same time i dont want to spend too much as i want a whole new pc soon too ??? ???

Offline Simon

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Re:More Graphics Card Probs.
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2004, 10:43 »
Well, I'm by no means an expert, but if it is your problem, and you want a cheapish graphics card, here's a small selection you could look at.  The last one is a PCI one, in case you don't have an AGP slot.



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Offline JPY313

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Re:More Graphics Card Probs.
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2004, 10:47 »
how do i know which one i need?  is there anything on my existing card that will tell me weather i need agp or pci?

Offline Simon

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Re:More Graphics Card Probs.
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2004, 10:55 »
It's more a question of where it is, John.  I assume you're talking about an independant card, rather than on board graphics?  If that's the case, pop the side of your case off, and have a look to see where it's seated.  If it's in a small brown slot, it's AGP.  If it's in one of the white slots, possibly next to your modem or sound card (?), it's PCI, but if that's the case, have a look to see if there is an empty brown slot, above the PCI slots, towards the middle of the motherboard, in which case you could probably upgrade to AGP.
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Offline JPY313

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Re:More Graphics Card Probs.
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2004, 11:18 »
Thanks for the much appreciated advice, its next to my soundcard, and comes out if i give it a quick tug(!!?) so i take it that means that its a pci card, i noticed that on one of the links you gave that its classed as a 128mb DDR card - my mem is SD, will this cause confliction?  while im on my power supply i have noticed is only 2.5, if im running the following, will i need to upgrade power too?
1 x liteon cd writer
1 x panasonic DVD writer
1 x <unknown> DVD ROM
80gb excelsor HD
and a few usb peripherals (broadband modem, mouse, mp3 etc)
???????????? ??? ??? ???

Offline Simon

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Re:More Graphics Card Probs.
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2004, 11:28 »
Bit too technical for me, that!   ;D

Of the ones I listed, if you only have PCI available, the last one, the GeForce 2 MX400 64MB DDR PCI, is the only option anyway.  I actually have the AGP version of that one in my own PC, and it does everything I ask of it. I don't believe you will have to upgrade anything else, and I also don't think there could be a memory conflict, because the graphics card memory is separate, as far as I understand it.  Hopefully someone will be able to confirm that for you soon, John.  

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Offline JPY313

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Re:More Graphics Card Probs.
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2004, 11:37 »
thanks for that, all im really wanting is to backup / burn dvd's, so if it works for that then i will be over the moon.
i ll try and pick a cheap one up at the weekend, and let you know how i get on, otherwise come sunday morning there may be an advert for a cheap graphics card posted!!! - (and possibly a kicked in computer >:( )
Thanks again!!

Offline Simon

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Re:More Graphics Card Probs.
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2004, 11:45 »
It works out a little cheaper from here, and it's next day delivery (but of course, the Easter Weekend will bugger that up!), but as I said in the beginning, you might want to wait for one of the proper techies to confirm that the graphics card is indeed the problem.

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Offline Dack

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Re:More Graphics Card Probs.
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2004, 13:07 »
Just a quick question when you said the computer rolls over and dies - what exactly happens? I ask this as if it's a monitor related issue (unable to handle the resolution) then you'll get the same problem no matter what graphics card you then put in. If a 'computer lock up' then it would more likely be the graphics card thats a problem.

You also say that roxio works fine until you try and write a dvd - you have got the drive formatted as NTFS and not FAT32 have you (as FAT32 is limited to a 4Gig file size and DVD images tend to get bigger than that).
hey promised the earth! Then delivered mud.
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Offline JPY313

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Re:More Graphics Card Probs.
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2004, 13:52 »
when i reset the res i get thin coloured lines flickering horizontaly in the middle of the screen, and i have to restart in safe mode and reset the res, one of my mates is going to give me one of his old 16 meg graphics cards to see if that solves it, but other than that im up sh1t creek for ideas.  as for my hd, that isnt fat32.  My monitor is about 10 years old, as i saved on a monitor in favour of a more expensive base unit. :-*

Offline Dack

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Re:More Graphics Card Probs.
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2004, 13:57 »
What happens when you change the Rez and leave it for about 15 seconds? Does the original picture come back?

hey promised the earth! Then delivered mud.
Technically it did meet the spec.

Offline JPY313

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Re:More Graphics Card Probs.
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2004, 14:06 »
yeah dack, the original res comes back on after 15 secs if i leave it, do you think i need a new monitor?  also, unrelated, do you think i should upgrade my power supply from 250?

Offline Sandra

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Re:More Graphics Card Probs.
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2004, 14:20 »
Have you tried dropping the colour quality before you change the screen res and maybe adjusting the refresh rate too may help.
What happens if you just try and burn the dvd without altering the screen res, will it let you ?

Offline JPY313

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Re:More Graphics Card Probs.
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2004, 14:27 »
hi sandra,
i havent tried dropping the colour yet, but will do tonight, as for refreshing, i wouldnt know how to do that to be honest, the prograqmme stipulates that the screen must be at that res before the burn dvd feature can be accessed :'(

Offline Sandra

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Re:More Graphics Card Probs.
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2004, 14:31 »
The refresh rate is in Display Properties/Settings/Advanced and then under Monitor.
Try dropping the colours and then see if it will allow the higher screen res and then change it back after you have burned your DVDs if successful  :)

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