wot da think of this then fly!
a blonde goes to a electronic shop and says to the person at the counter "can i buy that tv over there plz." The shop keeper sez sorry we don't sell 2 blondes." so next day she comes back as a brunett. and says "can i buy that tv over there plz." shop keeper sez "sorry we dont sell to blondes." and she walks away puzzled. next day she comes as red head and same again. "can i buy that tv over there plz" shop keeper sez sorry we dont sell to blondes". so next day she comes with black hair. "can i buy that tv over there plz." she sez. shop keeper sez "sorry we dont sell to blondes" so she sez i came as a red head,brunett and with black hair so how do u know i'm blonde" the shop keeper replys "i know because thats not a tv over there. its a microwave."