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Author Topic: New commission  (Read 7530 times)

Offline Tony

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Re:New commission
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2004, 22:04 »
Adept's system is running fine on a PSU rated to be short 17.06% of the minimum needed, according to that site. So on that maths, the new PC I've built should run on a 300watt PSU with 21watts to spare  :)
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Re:New commission
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2004, 22:05 »
... or maybe I've just got a bloody good PSU Tony :o ;)

Offline Simon

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Re:New commission
« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2004, 22:11 »
My Recommended Minimum Power Supply is 324 Watts.  My case came with a 350W PSU, so I should be OK to add a few more bits!   ;D ;D
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Offline Sandra

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Re:New commission
« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2004, 22:28 »
Theres a good deal on Q-TEC ones at ARD at the moment Tony, get yourself over for one its only at Altham Industrial Estate near Padiham  :)


Click on Computers then Power Supplies from left hand menu.

 499-01135: Q-TEC PSU 550W DUAL FAN - GOLD    £22.95  
    499-01299: Q-TEC PSU 400W DUAL FAN - GOLD    £18.99  
    499-01300: Q-TEC PSU 450W DUAL FAN - GOLD    £19.99

All plus vat but still a good price, a friend of mine has used a few 550s lately and seems pleased with them, I dont think you will run short of power with one of those in  :)

Offline TR

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Re:New commission
« Reply #34 on: February 10, 2004, 23:18 »
Ahhh but? the calculation is for everything running at maximum speeds and power at the same time..do you, I think not ;)

Its like having a car that has 140 mph on the speedo, do you drive at 140..naaa more like on avg 55 mph  ;D

Hookstar the realist  8)

Offline Tony

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Re:New commission
« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2004, 23:24 »
Cheers Sandra,

Dabs do a 400watt one for £21.61 delivered, next day if you order in the morning. But in the interests of science  :) I'll see if a new board cures the cutting out. If it does then it was down to me being ham fisted.

Then I'll run SiSandra burn test, to see what happens, in any case all it will be used for is word doc, and a bit of photo editing, like cropping and removing red eye  ;D

Like I say my PC with two dual head graphics cards, running three monitors, two hard drives and a XP 2000+ , plus two case fans, sails along on a 300watt PSU.
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Offline Sandra

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Re:New commission
« Reply #36 on: February 10, 2004, 23:34 »
A place near me has loads of different cases, most are 300 watts but they said they would put a bigger one in and charge the difference so you dont end up with a spare 300 if you wanted to upgrade.
Maybe it would be better if all cases were sold without a PSU then you could get which you wanted, as not all PSUs are equal either as far as noise and reliabilty go  :)

Offline Tony

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Re:New commission
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2004, 23:42 »

A place near me has loads of different cases, most are 300 watts but they said they would put a bigger one in and charge the difference so you dont end up with a spare 300 if you wanted to upgrade.
Maybe it would be better if all cases were sold without a PSU then you could get which you wanted, as not all PSUs are equal either as far as noise and reliabilty go  :)

That's reasonable, who wants to not only end up with a load of 300watt PSU, but pay for the buggers. and very trueregards your other remarks re case only.
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Offline TR

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Re:New commission
« Reply #38 on: February 11, 2004, 12:59 »
Just orded
This one >> http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=34825

Anybody want to buy a brand new 300w PSU  ;D


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Re:New commission
« Reply #39 on: February 11, 2004, 13:04 »

Just orded
This one >>

I've been looking at that one myself Hook, but I'm interested in the noise levels it produces.

Let us know how you get on with it, will you?

Offline Sandra

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Re:New commission
« Reply #40 on: February 11, 2004, 13:08 »
As I said earlier Sean, they are not bad , a friend has used afew of the QTec 550s and has been pleased with the noise levels.
Last year they were on special offer at ARD for cheaper than the 400 watt ones, I almost bought a couple myself as the place is near me, so with no postage they worked out at around £15 each inc vat at that time  :o

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Re:New commission
« Reply #41 on: February 11, 2004, 19:23 »
Now that you have probably read in another thread I have sent the case back because it was damaged in transit, I might just pick another case with out the PSU  ;D

Offline Tony

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Re:New commission
« Reply #42 on: February 11, 2004, 23:18 »

The only way to see if something is possible, is to try it. So I nipped out to the local hardware store and bought some industrial supa glue. And if you have not already guess, I supa glued the two broken lugs back onto the CPU socket. And on closer inspection, I noticed a lump of the moulding just sat above the fracture, but serving no purpose.

So, Simon pay attention, I got my little soldering iron out and did a bit of "plastic welding" so to speak. Solid as a rock it was, I had the CPU on and off three times, that's another story. Anyway I noticed, the heat transfer pad was unmarked, so it was obvious I had missed seating it on to the CPU die by a mile, hence the constant cut outs. Anyway short story, after two attempts at cleaning CPU and HS, and applying a new heat transfer pad, Eureka it worked.

I bought, but did not use those pads, on my last build because the CPU Temp was running at 60.C, as far as AMD are concerned that is within limits. But I reckon they should run around mid forties. Anyway soon as the pads arrived, the temp settled down to the mid forties ::)

And not only that, even though that Power reckoner site, said I needed a PSU minimum 336 watt, the 300watt PSU handles it no problem, possibly because it's built to a German spec ::)

This XP 2500+ Barton flies, makes my XP 2000+ setup seem slow. And wait for it, where as my PC temps are Case 33.C and Chip 45.C this New Barton PC is running at Case 26.C and Chip 36.C so I'm well suited.

So it looks like I'll have a spare mobo in stock, as a replacement  arrives tomorrow.  :)

Well I thought I woud just share that supa glue and welding job with you all, because you never know when your lugs could drop off ;D

PS: see Simon, those little soldering irons, don't half come in handy.
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Offline Simon

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Re:New commission
« Reply #43 on: February 11, 2004, 23:48 »
At least you got it sorted, Tony.  Another good experiance on the learning curve!  ;)  But how did you 'miss' the CPU with the thermal pad?   :o :o ::) ;D  Are you still using those brilliant Thermaltake Volcano's?
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Offline Tony

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Re:New commission
« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2004, 23:58 »
How did I miss, maybe I broke the lugs will I was fitting it to the CPU, so it would not be seated as the spring clip would have raised it up, hell I donno  ;D But like you say a great learning curve.

The HS/F came as part of a AMD boxed set, all in the AMD livery, certificate and all. It said on the pack "not for resale" !!!!! anyway, the chip has a 3 year warranty, could come in handy that  ::)

Never had Temp results like that with the Thermalakes, got it from CCl  , they are a good price for the set.
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