There are only the usual references in the event log at the time of this morning's crash Adept.
However, I was particularly interested to notce the reference to Logitech mouse drivers. If you remember, when I first had this machine, it came with an optical mouse, and I had problems when using the scroll wheel. The screen would freeze up after a while and double images would appear. I began a thread about it, but probably on a long-since defunct forum where many of us were members.
It was only after I switched the optical mouse for an older mouse which I had squirreled away (as yer do) that the "collapsing screen syndrome" started happening. It is always the use of the scroll wheel that makes the problem take place.
However, before we all start shouting "Eureka!" I should also remind us all that if the machine is just left switched on after first bootup, it will often result in a completely blank bright grey screen.
I no longer have the optical mouse but it would be an interesting experiment to see what would happen if I could swap back to it. If my son is no longer using it, I'll ask him to bring it home next weekend, but it may be useful if I bought another mouse to try out anyway.