Hi Reanne, actually you dont want an ADSL router as youre on cable via NTL.
You have a few options which mainly depend on how much you want to spend and where your two pcs are in the house.
The simplest and cheapest is an ethernet cable to each pc, for this you need to buy a "crossed" cable that is long enough to connect the two pcs together. The drawback with this is that whichever pc is connected to the modem has to be switched on so that the second pc can connect to the net.
The next cheapest option is to use a router. You dont need a modem one so they are quite cheap. NTL usually provide you with a modem that has both a USB connection and an ethernet one. You would need to connect it via an ethernet cable to each pc, this time using "straight" ethernet cables.
The advantage of this method other the first is that you connect to the net from either pc whether one is switched on or not and of course you usually get them with 4 ports so you could easily add a couple more pcs later if desired.
If you have a problem running a cable from pc to pc or from both pcs to a router then you have another option of connecting the second or subsequent ones wirelessly.
This is the type of thing that youd need :
http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=51436You would also need a wireless card in the second pc, preferably a PCI one but you can use a USB one if you didnt want to open the pc up.
This would connect to one pc via etherent and the second by wireless and again they can connect to the net independantly of each other