joudi you have lost me there! sorry.
Ok, I'll try to make things clearer:
When there's a certain thread which I read all its' posts, and I leave that thread (or close Pals), and come back to see if there's any post added to the same thread. Well, I see that there were new posts added.
In that case, when I go to see the new posts in it, I like to know which posts were not read by me yet.
In the forum before, it used to show the posts which I didn't read (the new ones to me), in different colour. Now, I have to search which was the last post which I read my first time before leaving.
I hope it's clearer now.
On the other hand, It would be interesting to click on the "Index Page", on the new post, to take us directly to the last post in the thread which we want to see (better than to take us to the first post of that thread which will need to clic again to enable us to arrive, at last to the las post, if that thread makes many pages.)
Thanks Sam...