With the help of my tame DOS expert, good old Hugh
If its just his address book that he wants then you could try this Clive.
Using a 98 boot floppy boot into DOS.
At the A prompt type DIR /P and confirm that the COPY command is on your boot disk, its not on all boot disks.
If its not there then you need to add it to your boot disk before you can try the following.
If its there then starting at the A promt type the following, pressing enter after each line :
cd applic~1
cd micros~1
cd addres~1
Put a blank floppy in drive A and type :
copy *.wab a:\
I was thinking of using the XCOPY command but Hugh came up with this simpler option and has checked it on one of his pcs.
If for some reason your friends pc cant see the directories in those names then you will have to do DIR /P at each stage to find the DOS name of that pcs own particular directory, as long as you end up in the address book directory then you can copy it to a floppy using the above copy command.