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Author Topic: PC keeps freezing  (Read 8762 times)

Offline SarahR

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PC keeps freezing
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2005, 01:29 »
Great, will just wait for the PC to freeze again then!
If that all fails, have just found out theres a computer fair just round the corner from me next weekend so if the worst comes to the worst, will just buy a brand new system! (well i say brand new.... I mean to me!)

Offline SarahR

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PC keeps freezing
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2005, 01:35 »
Not sure if this is of any use to you, but just took a look the the events viewer now and there are several yellow warning signs, all named Tcpip.
There are 3 within an hour of each other about the time it last froze.
and i found only 3 recent red X's (yesterday) they were in a row, within 8 secs of each other and the name is DCOM. Same thing happened 2 days before that too! Can pinpoint if it was at the time of freezing though.

Also 1 major 1 where there were 9 x's in a row within 1 min! 4 days ago.

This seems to be the only red X i am getting.

Offline Sandra

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PC keeps freezing
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2005, 01:38 »
Dont need to wait Sarah, if you have a look and scroll back down the page, as long as you know roughly what time the last one was  :)

It keeps them from the day the OS was installed I think.
If you double click on something that has the red circle with white X in it it will open a bopx with a bit more detail.
The bit to look for is on the top right hand side of that box the Event ID number.

There may well be a few next to each other, some may be the same number or maybe diferent ones, list them all if there are a few around the freeze up time  :)

Offline Sandra

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PC keeps freezing
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2005, 01:42 »
The TCP/IP shouldnt be a problem, thats for the networking part, even if you havent set one up.
The DCOM is a common fault too which doesnt seem to cause any real problems.

The event viewer seems to record every hiccup no matter how slight a fault it is unfortunately but sometimes it can be very helpful  :)

Are the 9 in a row from a day or so back all DCOM too ?

What are the event ID numbers please ?

Offline SarahR

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PC keeps freezing
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2005, 01:43 »
The warnings say: TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts.

I think the Red X's have something to do with when i was running in safe mode as it has:
DCOM got error "This service cannot be started in Safe Mode " attempting to start the service netman with arguments "" in order to run the server:

Offline SarahR

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PC keeps freezing
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2005, 01:47 »
It just froze as i sent that! I got a warning message:
The server could not bind to the transport \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{EEFF8BC9-49EA-4BAE-9923-F587186A9B1A}.

Offline Sandra

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PC keeps freezing
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2005, 01:51 »
Are you networked at all Sarah ?

The previous message {BA126AE5-2166-11D1-B1D0-00805FC1270E} refers to :

Network Connection Manager Class 2.

The latest one seems to be network related too.

Which kind of connection to the net are you on and who is your ISP please ?

Offline SarahR

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PC keeps freezing
« Reply #22 on: August 09, 2005, 01:56 »
Yes, i am networked to 2 other computers in my house.
None of the others have had any problems but i am the administrator on the network.
I am on broadband with Telewest.
I'm pretty sure the problems occurred before it went on a network though

Offline Sandra

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PC keeps freezing
« Reply #23 on: August 09, 2005, 02:08 »
Ok everything points to a fault with the Netbui protocol.

It seems there could be some problem with the other pcs having the same name or your pc thinking they have.
Can you isolate your pc from the others for a while to see if that cures yours from freezing ?

If not can you check and make sure that all the computer names are different, if you have used the same XP cd to install on each it may have somehow given the same name to two of them, unlikely but pcs can do strange things.

Can you tell me how you have set your network up and which protocols you are using please, if you right click on your LAN icon and select properties it will list them in there  :)

Offline Sandra

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PC keeps freezing
« Reply #24 on: August 09, 2005, 02:20 »
I found this about the number of TCP connection attempts :


Do you do a lot of P2P stuff ?

That may be part of the problem  :?

Offline SarahR

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PC keeps freezing
« Reply #25 on: August 09, 2005, 05:35 »
Do you mean the name that you give your PC when you install Windows? because mine is "Sarah" so i doubt the others will be the same! All the computers were installed with different windows disks so that won't be the problem.
I won't be able to disable the network, one of my flatmates is a recluse and spends his days on his pc and will complain loads if the network was taken away!

I do some P2P stuff but it doesn't have to be running for the PC to freeze.

My network is running wirelessly. I'm not sure how to find my protocols, i have the LAN properties up and i can see a list of things on there:
Client for Microsoft Networks
File and printer sharing for Microsoft Networks
QoS Packet Scheduker
AEGIS Protocol (IEEE 802.1x) v3.0.0.5
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Don't know if that helps at all...
Do i need to click on something else?

Offline Sandra

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« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2005, 13:09 »
Ok thats the bit I wanted to see.

We may be on the wrong track and it may not be the networking side thats freezing your pc but the only warnings that the event viewer is giving us is network related so we may as well try and resolve those faults in the hope that theyre the culprit.

The name that it will be checking will be the one that windows assigns itself, if you look in your workgroup computers there will be an alphanumeric number for each one that the network sees, the individual name that you give your own pc is easier for you to identify which is which pc, I dont think windows would even know or care if that name was duplicated.

I am not sure what the QoS Packet Scheduler does on the network but I dont think its a protocol that you need and I read that someone mentioned that it was causing them some problems until they removed it.
Try removing it and see if that does anything, you can always add it back again if you find that something stops working properly  :)

What does your network consist of Sarah, is your pc the one thats connected to the net then wi fi to the others or are you wi fi from a router or another host pc ?

Offline Sandra

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PC keeps freezing
« Reply #27 on: August 09, 2005, 13:44 »
I fould this about the QoS scheduler :

Q: What is QoS Packet Scheduler? (#3688)  
A: Note. This only effects LAN traffic and not Internet access speeds. Also, in order for this to work, QoS Packet Scheduler must be supported on both sides of the connection.

QoS Packet Scheduler is a method of network bandwidth management that can monitor the importance of data packets and depending upon the priority of the packet, give it higher or lower priority or bandwidth levels.

So I dont think theres any reason why you should need it  :)

I still dont know if it will solve your problem or not but freezing often means that something is taking up all the ram or cpu so a software problem such as something wrong with the QoS  thing may cause it.

Offline Simon

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PC keeps freezing
« Reply #28 on: August 09, 2005, 14:02 »
This could still be a graphics card problem - maybe it's overheating, or faulty?  Can I suggest you revert to the onboard graphics, and see if that cures the freezing?  Not sure whether you would need to remove the stand alone graphics card or not.  If the BIOS is set to look for the onboard video, it may just ignore the card.  Of course, the other option is to try another graphics card, if you have one.
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Offline SarahR

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PC keeps freezing
« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2005, 16:08 »
The router is connected to my pc and then Wi fi'd out to the other computers.
I have removed the QoS Packet Scheduler and see if that works and then i will try the graphics card problem as thats a little trickier! I don't have any spare graphics cards so it will have to be the onboard one i'm afraid.

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